The Oven Pizza Co. Wexford PA

The Oven Pizza Co. Wexford location (a suburb if Pittsburgh) is a cozy earthy restaurant with garage doors that opens up to a veranda with umbrella covered tables. Even with the doors closed there is plenty of light which
makes this place feel very inviting. 

Here you can BUILD YOUR OWN SLICE which felt overwhelming when ordering at the counter due to the many, many, many choices. Do you ever get overwhelmed going to the supermarket for tooth paste? I do!

I ordered two slices which was half a 10 inch pie. Pictured here cut into four....

In the end the slices were way too rich for my taste. Americano all the way meaning the American diet values the big gulp. More is better! Not so in the Italian culture and I'm going to stick with my italian roots here!

This slice pictured here sags because there is too of each ingredient. I may have to go visit a heart surgeon after this meal. It would of been so much better with 1/3 the amount of cheese. Good pizza demands harmonious proportions. If you have the best ingredients a smattering of each is all you need. With one third the ingredients this may have been a different experience for me.

As a refueling station this place does the trick but life is too short for that kind of pizza in my book.
At least I can say the staff was very nice and they seem to have a good vision statement on their web site.
