Italfoccia Pizza (center of Chieti) 7 out of 8

Italfocaccia is located in the center of Chieti Abruzzo.

Chieti formally Tete about 2500 years ago has a long history and relatively speaking Pizza is new about 600 years old I guess..... : )

This place sells bread and Foccia as well a pizza baked on the oven surface as well as pan pizza. You can see from the photos. One of the slices I ate was very bread like with fresh ingredients as always.

Pizza here is like water, it's pretty much available and is pretty much a staple of the culture, so that being said I am sure my family things I am pazzo (mot it dialect: CRAZY) for writing about pizza.

What you will find here is authentic food, authentic people and zero tourists, so this is infact the real Italia!
