I think the pizza guys hit a new low here, but I as a pizza journalist must report the story....
In a misguided moment pizza guy Carmen had the insane idea that this might actually turn out to be good pizza.....
After begging and pleading with him that we should skip this foreseen disaster, I reluctantly agreed to participate in this fiasco....
What can I say fellow pizza eaters when you pull the pin of a grenade what else would should you expect but a face full of shrapnel and carnage...... At $3.33 i was thinking that I just spent the worst money of my life not to mention that my stomach was doing back flips not more than 10 minutes after eating this crap!!! This stuff (not worthy to be called pizza) is worse than stadium or special event pizza..
Pure crap!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating - Z-E-R-O SLICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carmen.... don't ever get any more ideas like this again!!!!!!!!!


  1. Even with our zero followers JT I'm ashamed!!! : ) The pizza was terrible!!!!!!!


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